Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Homemade Gulab Jamun recipe (Diwali special)


Maida/ all purpose flour- 1/4 cup or 1 tablespoon
Milk powder- 1 cup
Curd- 1 teaspoon
Baking soda- 1/2 teaspoon
Salt- a pinch
Elaichi powder- 1/2 teaspoon
Vanilla essence or rose essence- 2 drops(optional)
Sugar- 1 1/2 cups
Water- 2 cups
Ghee- 1-2 tablespoons
Ghee/ oil- to fry
Milk- as required for making dough


For syrup: Add water, sugar, powdered elachi and vanilla essence, bring to boil and boil for 8 mins to 10 mins in medium flame.

For jamuns:

1. Mix maida, baking powder, salt, milk powder, curd, ghee(1 tablespoon) and milk(don't use hot milk) together and make a soft dough. keep it aside for 10 mins.

2. This mixture will be sticky but smooth.After 10 mins apply some oil on your palms and make small balls from the dough because these jamun balls will double in size when it is soaked in sugar syrup.

3. Bring oil hot, not smoking hot, but hot enough to fry the jamuns. Keep in low flame and add the jamuns and keep rolling the jamuns gently with the use of the ladle inside the oil so that it gets evenly cooked and fried to deep golden brown in color. Fry only few at a time, don't dump the jamuns in the oil.

4. Drain the fried jamuns in kitchen towel and immediately add it to hot syrup.

5. Let it get soaked well in the syrup for 3 hrs at least.

Your tasty jamuns are ready to serve.!!!