Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Valaipoo vadai chettinad recipe (mouthwatering starter)

Authentic Chettinad recipe. Banana flowers combined with Bengal gram and deep fried to make this mouth watering starter.


1. Banana flower- 1(small)
2. Bengal gram/ Channa dal- 200 gms
3. Onion (finely chopped)- 2
4. Green chilli- 1
5. Red chilles- 2 
6. Curry leaves and coriender leaves- as required
7. Fennel seeds- 1/2 tsp
8. Turmeric powder- 1/2 tbs
9. Asafoetida powder- 1/2 tsp
10. Salt  to taste)
11. Oil (for deep frying)
12. Buttermilk (diluted)- as required

How to clean the banana flower?

1. Apply oil to both hand to avoid sticking.Take off the purple outer covering and remove the bunch of florets. Repeat the process until you reach the center.

                       FLORETS WITH STAMEN



2. Separate each flower from the bunch and remove the stamen. Chop the florets and soak them in buttermilk with a pinch of salt to avoid discoloration.

To make the vadai:

1. Soak bengal gram for at least 3 hrs.

2. Grind the bengal gram with chopped banana flowers, fennel seeds, asafoetida powder, green chilli and red chillies and salt. Grind them coarsely without adding much water.

3. Add the finely chopped onion and chopped curry leaves to the thick dough.

 4. Heat oil and deep fry them in batches. Drain excess oil and serve.

SERVES - 6-8 members

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