Friday, October 4, 2013

Natural Homemade Amla oil.


Amla/Gooseberry -15 nos (Cut and Deseed them)

Curry leaves - 1 cup
Coconut oil -250 ml
Gingerly oil/Sesame oil - 250 ml


Take a iron wok / heavy bottom kadai and pour both the oils in it.
Finely grind the Amla and Curry leaves into a paste.
When the oil becomes hot add the paste into the oil.
Let the paste be inside the oil for sometime(40-50 mins simmer the stove heat).
Cool the oil.
Filter the oil after 1 day and store it in a glass bottle or in an air tight container.

-You can apply this oil every day. 

Your Oil will look like this.

Health benefits of Amla:

Enriches hair growth

Good for anemia
Reduces blood sugar
Rich in vitamin C
Low calorie
Anti bacterial
Anti inflammation

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