Monday, October 7, 2013

Popular Maharashtra snack.

Sabudana vada

Preperation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves: Four


* 1 cup sago pearls (sabudana), soaked overnight and drained
* 2 potatoes, boiled, peeled and mashed
* 1/2 cup peanuts, dry roasted and blended to a course powder
* 1 tsp cumin seeds
* 3 green chillies, chopped fine
* salt to taste
* 1 tsp lemon juice 
* Few coriander leaves chopped 
* 2 tsp rice flour
* Oil, to deep fry.


1. Mix all ingredients except the rice flour and the oil together until everything is combined.
2. Shape the mixture into small patties, using the rice flour to dust your hands if necessary.
3. Heat the oil in a deep pan and deep fry about 3-4 vadas at a time on medium heat so that the vadas are cooked inside and both sides are golden brown. 
4. Serve hot with mint-coriander chutney and hot tea.

sabudana image

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