Thursday, November 14, 2013

How to care for chemically and heat damaged hair?

1. Wash your hair with good moisturizing shampoo made for whatever hair type you have.Also, use a leave in conditioner and rinse thoroughly.

2. Towel dry your hair and make sure to pat it. Always let your hair dry naturally.

3. Wash your hair only once or twice a week, any more will dry your hair out.

4. Give your scalp a nice massage and hot oil treatments once in 2 weeks. Gentle massage is always good for your hair otherwise, you will damage your sensitive skin or pull out your hair.

5. Moisturize your hair and scalp with these popular oils like almond oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, coconut oil, etc to promote your hair growth.

6. Brush and comb your hair daily. Workout tangles gently using your fingers and don't over work the hair.

7. Opt for boar or wide bristle hair brush, they don't tear and stretch your scalp and hair .

8. One way to achieve a healthy scalp is by brushing your scalp itself. It loosens the dead cells and dirt and promotes blood circulation. If your scalp is dry and if you see any white flakes on your hair, it is not dandruff all the time. It is just really dry skin.At this situation, you can try using all the popular hair oils stated above for your scalp and give a nice massage and let it sit for 30 mins.After 30 mins wash your hair.Use leave in conditioner. Don't comb your hair when it is wet because your wet hair will be fragile. 

9. Get your ends trimmed every 8-12 weeks to get rid of split ends and dead hairs. 

10. Never ever grease your scalp because it clogs up your pore and lead to breakage and damage. Your ends are the oldest hair so treat it with good protein conditioners.

11. It is good to sleep on a satin pillow always.Cotton and fleece pillow covers will pull your hair out and cause breakage.

12. Good hair starts from within so eat healthy and drink 2 to 3 liters of water every day to keep your hair moisturized. 

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