Saturday, March 1, 2014

Creamy supreme honey conditioners for all types of hair

Try these supreme honey conditioners for Shinier, healthier and beautiful hair.   


* Mix 10 teaspoons of honey with 2 teaspoon of water in a bowl (measurement depends on length of your hair).
*Use your fingers to rub the mixture directly on to your scalp and massage for 2-3 minutes.
*Once your scalp has been covered, pull the mixture through your hair, until it covers your hair from root to tip.
*Leave the solution on your hair for up to 2 hours, then rinse thoroughly with warm water (Hot water is not good for your hair. Always use Luke warm water for shiny and frizz free hair ).
 This treatment can be applied twice a month.

* 1/2 cup plain yogurt
* 2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
* 2 tablespoon raw honey

Mix everything well and apply it on your scalp and hair from root to tip. Wait for 1 hr and shampoo your hair with Luke warm water.
Repeat this once a weak

Massage approximately: 1/2 cup honey into clean, damp hair, let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
* You can also add 1 to 2 Tbsp olive oil to loosen the honey for easier application.
* For extremely sun-damaged hair, try mixing honey with 1 to 2 Tbsp of a protein-rich ingredient, like avocado or egg yolk, which will help replenish the keratin protein bonds that UV rays attack.

This treatment can be applied twice a month.

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