Thursday, February 27, 2014

Gujiya/ Somas (Sweet Dumpling)

Preparation time: 25 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins
Serves: 16


*For filling

Sweetened condensed milk 200g
Semolina 25g
Coconut fresh, grated 150g
Almonds chopped 2 tbsp
cashew nuts, chopped 2 tbsp
Raisins 2 tbsp
Green cardamom powder 1/4 tbsp

*For dough

Maida 125g
Oil 20 ml (4 tbsp) + Oil for frying
Water 1/4 tbsp


1. Roast semolina on slow fire till it changes color. Mix in all the other ingredients for the filling. Cook on medium-low flame, stirring occasionally, till the mixture is dry. Divide into 16 portions.

2. To prepare the dough, rub oil into maida. Add water and make into stiff dough. Knead the dough till pliable. keep aside for 10-15 mins. Knead dough once again. Divide into 16 balls.

3. Roll each ball into a flat round. Place one portion of the filling fold over and shape into gujiya/somas sealing the edges with little water*. Deep fry in hot oil till golden brown.

* To seal use gujiya/somas moulds or press with ends of a fork or simply twist with hand.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gajar Halwa (Carrot Halwa)

Winter Warmers

As the air turns chilly outside, you can make warm smiles in your home with these heartwarming recipe. This Gajar halwa is very easy but very delicious and will let you cozy up in sweet bliss with your family right through the winter!

Preparation time: 15-20 mins
Cooking time: 45 mins
Serves: 10


1. Sweetened condensed milk 200g
2. Milk 1 litre
3. Ghee 3 tbsp
4. Carrots, grated 1 kg
5. Cashew nuts 25g
6. Chopped Raisins 25g


1. Mix carrots and milk in a pan, bring to a boil. cook on low flame, stirring occasionally, till milk dries up.

2. Add the sweetened condensed milk and continue cooking on low flame, stirring occasionally,
 till it dries up.

3. Add ghee and cook for another 10 minutes. Garnish with nuts and raisins(fry the nuts and raisins in ghee).

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Patishapta recipe (Bengali sweet)


*For the batter:

1 cup refined flour / maida

1/2 cup sooji / semolina

1/4 cup rice flour

1 1/2 to 2 cups milk

Ghee, to cook the patishapta

*For the filling:

3 cups grated coconut / khoya

2 Tbsp sugar / date jaggery


For the filling:

*In a wok mix grated coconut or khoya with sugar or jaggery and place it over low flame. If making with khoya, add little milk.

*Add cardamom in it.

*Keep stirring the mixture till it gets sticky. Keep aside to cool. The process will take 15-20 minutes.

For the patishapta:

*Take maida, sooji and rice flour in a bowl.

*Add milk. Mix it carefully not making any lumps. Keep the mixture for half an hour.

*Heat the non stick pan. Put  a little ghee. Pour a thin layer of the mixture on it and spread it quickly with the ladle.

*Put the filling lengthwise at the center of it and roll it. Wait till the color is light brown.

*Place it on the plate. Serve hot or cold.

Tip: You can pour condensed milk over it before serving.

How to get rid of Bronchitis(Home Treatments)

-What is bronchitis?

Bronchitis is inflammation or swelling of the bronchial tubes (bronchi), the air passages between the nose and the lungs.More specifically, bronchitis is when the lining of the bronchial tubes becomes inflamed or infected.

People with bronchitis breathe less air and oxygen into their lungs; they also have heavy mucus or phlegm forming in the airways. Bronchitis may be acute or chronic (long-term):

*Acute bronchitis is a shorter illness that commonly follows a cold or viral infection, such as the flu. It generally consists of a cough with green sputum, chest discomfort or soreness, fever, and sometimes shortness of breath. Acute bronchitis usually lasts a few days or weeks.

*Chronic bronchitis is characterized by a persistent, mucus-producing cough on most days of the month, three months of a year for two successive years in absence of a secondary cause of the cough.
People with chronic bronchitis have varying degrees of breathing difficulties, and symptoms may get better and worsen during different parts of the year.

-Who gets bronchitis? 

*People at increased risk of getting bronchitis and increased risk of having more severe symptoms include:

*Smokers - smoking causes overproduction of mucus and it causes bronchitis.

*People who are exposed to a lot of secondhand smoke or passive smoke.

*People with weakened immune systems.

*The elderly and infants.

*People with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

*Those who are exposed to irritants at work, such as chemical fumes from ammonia, strong acids, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide or bromine.

*People who are exposed to air pollution - The air particulates, known as PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) originate from vehicle exhaust, wood-burning stoves, tobacco smoke, coal burning, and grilling food.

How to get rid of bronchitis?

Simple home remedies that cures bronchitis :

1.Get plenty of rest. 

- Since bronchitis is an infection in your lungs, it can make you feel extremely tired. Listen to your body and take a rest, especially in the first few days of the infection, when your chest feels heavy and it's difficult to breathe. Your lungs need time to heal.

*At the beginning of the infection, when it's at its worst, take a few days off of work or school. Rest in bed or on the couch, and try not to go anywhere that will require you to exert yourself.

*Exercising while you have a lung infection can make it worse. Avoid running, swimming, biking, and other exercises that lead to heavy breathing while you have bronchitis.

2. Drink warm fluids.

Keeping yourself hydrated is important while your body is fighting infection, and drinking fluids with a warm temperature can help soothe your sore throat .

Try these warm fluids to help you get through bronchitis:

*Warm water with lemon and honey. Heat up a mug of warm water and add lemon juice and honey to taste. The honey coats and soothes your throat, and the lemon provides vitamin C and other nutrients.

*Chamomile, peppermint, or another herbal tea. Herbal teas, especially those made to help treat sore throats, serve the dual purpose of hydrating your body and treating your symptoms.

*Warm soup. Chicken broth or soup is nourishing and soothing. Garlic soup is another healing option that helps treat the symptoms of bronchitis. Saute minced garlic in a little olive oil, add chicken or vegetable broth, heat it to a simmer, and drink it hot.

*Saltwater. You don't want to drink saltwater, but gargling warm saltwater can help soothe your irritated throat membranes. Stir a teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of warm water. Gargle the water and spit it out.

3. Breathe warm, moist air. 

When your lungs are irritated, hydrating them with warm, moist air helps sooth your bronchial passageways. If you allow your throat to dry out, your lungs can become more irritated, prolonging the infection.

Try the following methods for breathing humid air:

*Use a humidifier. Humidifiers are machines that add moisture to the air in a room. They're available for purchase at drugstores.

*Boil a pot of water on the stove. The steam produced from the boiling water can increase the room's humidity.

*Use a nebulizer to breath in saline and purified water mists.

*Take a steamy shower or bath. Make sure the bathroom door is closed so you get the benefits of breathing in the moist air.

4.Use a hot compress on your chest.

Bronchitis can make your chest feel heavy and painful, especially when you're coughing frequently. Applying heat can help ease the pressure.

Try one of the following methods of heating your chest:

*Fill a hot water bottle with water and lay it on your chest.

*Use a heating pad on your chest. Place it over your clothing so it doesn't overheat your skin.

*Cover yourself with an electric blanket.

*Take a warm bath or shower.

5.Avoid smoke and other lung irritants.

Inhaling smoke can bring on painful coughing fits when you have bronchitis. It can also delay your lungs' healing process. Avoid smoking or inhaling secondhand smoke. Stay away from these lung irritants, too:

*Areas with excessive pollution, such as streets with high traffic volume.

*Areas with a strong chemical smell, like the inside of factories, hair salons, and gas stations.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Best home made Ice cream (without ice cream maker)

  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 300ml milk
  • 6 eggs(yolks)
  • 600ml heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1-2 vanilla bean


  1. In a saucepan over medium-low heat, stir together the heavy cream, vanilla bean(stilted) and milk. Every 2-3 mins  stir the mixture. switch off the flame after 10-15 mins.[MIXTURE 1]
  2. In a bowl, add eggs, salt, vanilla essence and sugar. Whisk them nicely. [MIXTURE 2] 
  3. Mix both MIXTURE 1(shouldn't be very hot) and MIXTURE 2 nicely without any lumps. 
  4. Continue cooking over medium- low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a metal spoon.
  5. Remove from the heat and strain the mixture and whisk them nicely.
  6. Now pour the ice cream mixture into a freezer safe container and place it into the freezer. After 4-6 hours your yummy vanilla ice cream is ready to serve.



* if you don't have vanilla bean add 3 teaspoons of vanilla essence.

* You can also add chocolates, nuts, chopped fruits to the ice cream to make it more tastier.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Perfect Bhatura Recipe


* 2 1/2 cups atta/ whole wheat flour
* 3/4 cup maida/ all purpose flour
* 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
* 3/4 cup thick plain curd/ yogurt (If the curd has whey(curd water) in it, then reduce the amount of water)
* 1 tablespoon  salt or as required
* 1 teaspoon sugar
* 1 tablespoon oil or butter or ghee (melted)
*  Vegetable oil for deep frying
* 1/2 - 1/3 cup of warm water


1. Take a bowl and mix all the 4 ingredients together (curd/yogurt, sugar, baking soda and all purpose flour/ maida).

2. Cover the bowl with a cloth and keep it in a warm place overnight or atleast for 8 hours for fermentation.

3. The next day you will see tiny bubbles on the mixture.Take a bowl and add the wheat flour, salt, butter or oil, the fermented mixture and warm water. Mix everything together and make a soft dough.

4. Cover this dough with a damp cloth and wait for 2 hours. 

5. Knead the dough and make small round balls and roll them into 5 to 6 inch rotis.

6. Heat the oil and fry them one by one.

7. Serve hot with chole/chana masala or any curries.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Simple Valentine's day sponge cake recipe

These romantic Valentine's Day sponge cakes are just the thing to win over someone's heart :-))


- 350g double unfilled round sponge cake
- 250g cream cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup thickened cream
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 250g strawberries, sliced
- 1/2 cup strawberry jam
- 1 tablespoon pure icing sugar


1. Place sponge cake layers on a chopping board. Using an 8 cm heart-shaped cutter, cut 3 hearts from each cake. Using a sharp knife , gently split each heart in half.

2. Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese until smooth. Add cream and vanilla. Beat until mixture thickens.

3. Spread cream cheese mixture over sponge cake bases. Top with strawberry slices. Place jam in a heatproof, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on high (100%) for 30 seconds or until warm and runny. Spoon warm jam over strawberries.

4. Sandwich together with sponge tops. Dust with icing sugar and serve.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Velai paniyaram (chettinad spl)

Heap above the rice level


 - 1 cup raw rice

- Urad dhal - just a heap above the rice level (roughly 1 tablespoon)

- Milk - 1 tbsp

- Salt to taste

- Oil for frying


1. Soak the rice and dhal for about 2 hours and grind it together till it reaches the buttery consistency.

2. Add salt. Heat the oil in a deep pan. Make sure the paniyaram batter is in dosa batter consistency. Pour a ladle of batter into the hot oil and fry for 2 mins on a medium flame.

3. The paniyaran should be white in color when it is done. Don't let it brown.

4.  Now drain it on a paper towel. Fry one by one. Serve hot with chutney.

paal paniyaram (chettinad spl)


1. Raw rice - 1/2 cup
2. Urad dhal - 1/2 cup
3. Salt (very little)
4. Sugar ( as you wish)
5. First coconut milk - 2 cups
6. Milk -1/2 cup
7. Cardamom powder - 1/2 teaspoon
8. Oil for frying 


1. Soak the raw rice and urad dhal together for 2 - 3 hrs. 

2. Grind the raw rice and dhal together nicely.Add very little water while grinding. The batter should be like medhu vadai batter.

3. Heat the oil. when the oil is hot, take a small portion of batter and drop it in the oil.keep the flame in medium. when the paniyaram becomes golden brown, take it out from the oil and put it in a paper towel.  

4. In a bowl add coconut milk, cardamom powder, milk and sugar. Mix well and add all the paniyaram to the mixture. Let it soak for 10 - 15 mins.

Enjoy your tasty paniyaram!!

1. For best result- use grinder for grinding the batter and the consistency of the batter should be thick.
2. You can even use coconut milk fully instead of milk.
3. Don't add too much salt in sweet dishes.
4. Don't over cook the paniyaram.