Thursday, February 27, 2014

Gujiya/ Somas (Sweet Dumpling)

Preparation time: 25 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins
Serves: 16


*For filling

Sweetened condensed milk 200g
Semolina 25g
Coconut fresh, grated 150g
Almonds chopped 2 tbsp
cashew nuts, chopped 2 tbsp
Raisins 2 tbsp
Green cardamom powder 1/4 tbsp

*For dough

Maida 125g
Oil 20 ml (4 tbsp) + Oil for frying
Water 1/4 tbsp


1. Roast semolina on slow fire till it changes color. Mix in all the other ingredients for the filling. Cook on medium-low flame, stirring occasionally, till the mixture is dry. Divide into 16 portions.

2. To prepare the dough, rub oil into maida. Add water and make into stiff dough. Knead the dough till pliable. keep aside for 10-15 mins. Knead dough once again. Divide into 16 balls.

3. Roll each ball into a flat round. Place one portion of the filling fold over and shape into gujiya/somas sealing the edges with little water*. Deep fry in hot oil till golden brown.

* To seal use gujiya/somas moulds or press with ends of a fork or simply twist with hand.

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