Saturday, October 26, 2013

About back pain and remedies

Back pain is a very common problem and it can affect people of any age. It is more common among adults aged between 35 and 55 years. Back pain is associated with the way our bones, muscles and ligaments in our back works together.

Pain in the lower back may be linked to the bony lumber spine, discs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord and nerves, lower back muscles, abdomen and pelvic internal organs and the skin around the lumber area.
Pain in the upper back may be due to disorders of the aorta, tumors in the chest and spine inflammation.  

The following factors are associated to higher risk of developing lower back pain :

1. Mentally stress job
2. Pregnancy
3. A sedentary life style
4. Age
5. Anxiety
6. Depression 
7. Gender - back pain is more common among females than males
8. Obesity
9. Smoking
10. Strenuous physical exercise (when it is not done properly)
11. Strenuous physical work.

If any of the following symptoms accompanies a back pain you should see your doctor immediately :

1. Elevated body temperature(fever)
2. Pain down the legs
3. Weight loss
4. Inflammation on the back
5. Persistent back pain(lying down or rest does not help)
6. Numbness around genitals, anus and around the buttocks.
7. Pain reaches below the knees
8. Urinary incontinence
9. Fecal incontinence
10. Difficulty in urination    
11. A recent injury, trauma to your back.


1. Stretching :

- stretching is vital for preventing back pain and staying flexible. It helps in recovering from back injuries.
- Always stretch before exercise or other strenuous physical activity and also before bed.

2. Quit smoking : smoking cuts blood flow to the lower spine and causes the spinal discs to degenerate. Smoking doesn't just damage your lungs, it can also impair your back.

3. Keep a healthy diet : eat healthy diet(fresh fruits and vegetables) and low on processed foods to avoid excessive weight. Staying fit is one of the best remedy for back pain.

4.Exercise : regular exercise is the best remedy for back pain. It is always best to consult your physician for a list of low impact exercises suitable for your age as well as the type of pain you have.

Here are few moves/ poses that can help you to get rid of back pain gradually:

 5. Sleep well : 

- Always sleep on firm surface for back pain relief rather than soft mattresses that push your back out of alignment. Poor posture can lead to back pain or other health issues.
- While sitting in the chair, you must keep your back straight. Take periodic walk around the office will help relieve stress. If you need to sit for long time, rest your feet on a low stool or on a foot rest.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dry Skin - Symptoms, Reasons and Home remedies.

      Reasons and symptoms:

Dry skin is a common skin condition indicated by a lack of appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis.

- For elderly people the skin tends to produce less amount of natural oils and lubricants.

- Dry skin affects both male and female equally. The most affected areas due to dryness are arms, hands and particularly lower legs.

- Dryness of the skin is affected by the amount of water vapor in the surrounding air, the humidity.

- Dry skin is also known as Xeroderma.

- Symptoms : Discomfort from skin tightness and itching. In addition, external factors like weather can affect the severity of skin dryness.

- People who frequently wash their hands and sanitize may experience dry skin more often.

- Dry skin may also be a side effect of some medications.

- Dry skin may cause a fine dry powder like appearance of the skin.

- Untreated, dry skin may become irritated and result in a red rash (Xerodermatitis), eczema, secondary bacterial infections, cellulitis and skin discoloration.

- Fortunately, dry skin is usually milk and can be easily remedied.

Best home remedies to treat dry skin:

One of the most annoying thing in winter is dry skin.Here are the few best home remedies that gives you real treatment for your dry skin.

1. Olive oil - Before taking bath apply olive oil in your body and give a nice massage. Let it stand for few minutes( 5 mins) before rinsing. Repeat this for 2 to 3 times a weak for best result. 
You can even apply coconut oil or almond oil instead. 

2. Natural scrub for dry skin - Take milk (5 tbsp) and crushed almond (2 tbsp) mix them together. Scrub your face and body using this natural scrub.

3. Luxurious body scrub for dry skin - 1 tbsp of olive oil and coconut oil, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 4 tbsp of sugar and 2 tbsp of honey. This scrub will make your skin moisturized, fresh and soft. Use this scrub at least 1 or 2 times a weak.

4. Natural face packs for dry skin: 

-Take 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp honey and 2 tbsp yogurt/curd. Blend them nicely and apply it on your face for 15-20 mins. This makes your skin soft, bright and moisturized.  

- Take 1/2 carrot and 2 tbsp of honey. Grind them together and apply it on your face. Let the pack be on your face for 20 mins. Wash your face with cold water. This helps smooths your skin and helps to prevent wrinkles. 

- Take 1/2 avocado, 1 egg white and 1 tbsp honey. Beat them together and apply it on your face for 20 mins and wash your face with cold water. 

- Mix 1 tbsp of oatmeal and 5 tbsp of milk together. Apply it on your face for 15 mins and wash it with cold water.

5. Simple remedy is to drink plenty of water and add fresh fruits in your diet. Keep your skin hydrated.

6. Wash your skin with soap-less cleanser when you shower.

7. For dry skin, hot water is not a good idea for shower. The problem in hot shower is, it takes out the natural oils from your skin.

8. Always moisturizer your body after shower.


Cheese and olive cocktail samosa


1. Cheese - 300 gm
2. Olives - 250 gm
3. Maida flour - 500 gm
4. Butter - 250 gm
5. Ajwain/ Carom seeds/ omam -2 gm
6. Jalepeno or White pepper powder - 2 gm 
7. Baking soda - 1 pinch
8. Oil for frying


1. Mix together maida and butter. Add ajwain and a pinch of baking powder. Keep aside to rest. Dice the cheese into small cubes and the olives as well, to the same size as cheese. Toss together with pepper or jalapeno finely chopped.

2. Make small puri shapes, cut into half ( the size of a crescent) and make small packets (cups) filled with one tablespoon of cheese mixture. Join the ends and moisten with a drop of water at the edge.

3. Cool for a while. Fry on low flame in very warm oil slowly until golden brown. serve hot with mint chutney. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

EASY-TO-COOK RECIPE - Spicy corn panner tikka with dates chutney

Ingredients for tikka:

1. American corn - 250 gm
2. Panner - 250 gm
3. Green chilli - 3 nos
4. Coriander leaves - 10 gm
5. Mint leaves - 10 gm
6. Refined oil for frying 
7. Chilli powder - 5 gm 
8. Cumin seeds whole - 5 gm
9. Chat masala - 1 tbsp
10. Coriander powder - 5 gms
11. Corn flour powder, to dust the tikkas
12. Salt, to taste

Ingredients for chutney:

1. Dates - 100 gm
2. Jaggery - 100 gm
3. Tamarind - 100 gm
4. Chat masala - 1tbsp
5. Chilli powder - 1 tbsp
6. Salt to taste


1. For tikka: Boil corn and strain. Make a paste in a blender. Grate panner and mix with corn paste. Chop chillies, mint leaves and coriander and add to the mixture. Add other seasonings to the mixture . Make small dumplings and flatten. Dust with corn flour powder. In a tawa, shallow fry until goldern brown.

2. For chutney: Boil dates, jaggery and tamarind in 500 ml water, wait until it becomes a paste. Add chilli powder, chaat masala and salt.

You can eat this with any chutney you like.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Facts, Symptoms, Triggers and Home remedies for Sinus infections.

Facts about sinus infections:

1. Sinus infections are caused by infections from Pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacteria or fungus), which grows within a sinus and causes intermittent blockage of the sinus ostium.

2. Most of the people do not transmit sinus infections and most of the doctors agree that except for rare causes, sinus infections are not contagious.

3. Sinus is inflammation of the air cavities within the passage of the nose.

4. Sinusitis may be classified is several ways such as acute, sub acute, chronic, infected and non-infectious sinusitis.

5. Bacterial infection of sinuses is suspected when facial pain, pus-like nasal discharge, and symptoms that persists for longer than a week and are not responding to over-the-counter nasal medications.

6. Bacterial sinusitis is usually treated with antibiotic therapy.

7. Early treatment may prevent secondary bacterial infections.

8. Complications of sinus infection that may develop are meningitis and orbital cellulitis.

9. There are no fungal vaccines available to prevent fungal sinus infections.

Signs and symptoms of sinus.

1. Common signs and symptoms of sinus are head ace, pressure or pain, facial tenderness and fever. Some patients may have acute sinus infection.Other common symptoms are:

- Cloudy, discolored nasal drainage,
- A feeling of nasal stuffiness,
- Sore throat, and
- Cough

Some people notice an increased head ace when they lean forward because of the additional pressure placed on the sinuses. Others may experience tooth or ear pain, fatigue or bad breath. Nasal drainage is usually clear or whitish-colored in people with noninfectious sinusitis.

Common triggers :

1. Exposure to pollen from trees and grasses. This triggers fever or seasonal allergies. Symptoms include running nose, sneezing, itches and watery eyes.

2. If your pet is causing allergies, make your bedroom pet free zone, avoid carpets and wash your animal regularly.

3. Dust mites are microscopic organisms that live in house dust. To prevent dust mites wash your pillows, bed-sheets and quilts weekly in hot water and keep your house-free of dust collecting items.

4. Food- Milk, Shell fish, nuts and wheat are among the most common foods that causes allergies.

5. Fragrance found in products like scented candles, perfumes, laundry detergent and cosmetics can trigger allergy.

Nasal allergy relief :

- Clean the air with HEPA filters.

- Electronic air cleanses. 

- Neti pot - cleans your nasal passage.

- Over-the-counter medications.

- Choose pillows and comforters filled with synthetic hypo allergenic material instead of mite- friendly materials.

- Use work gloves for outside and use non latex gloves when working with household cleaners.

- Use a HEPA vacuum once a week and keep your home away from allergies.

- Steam clean allergens away.

- Buy washable toys.

Easy home remedies:

1. Steam inhalation therapy - take a bowl of hot water and add few drops of eucalyptus oil or 2-3 tbsp of turmeric powder and inhale the steam with the head covered by a towel. This is an effective home remedy.

2. Drink hot ginger tea.

3. Eating 1-2 cloves of garlic everyday will reduce the sinus infection gradually.

4. Increase your fluid intake.

5. Drinking carrot juice on a daily basis for a period of time at-least a month can help in treating sinus infection.

6. Take 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and mix it with honey and warm water and drink it.

7. Boil ginger root and let it simmer for few minutes. Dip the wash cloth in the ginger root water and cover your face for sometime. This will give quick relief from sinus infection.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Home remedy to get beautiful feet

Pedicure at home.


1. Lemon juice 1/2 cup
2. Cinnamon powder 3 tbsp
3. Almond oil or coconut oil 2 tbsp
4. Any tooth paste
5. Mild liquid soap
6. Milk 250 ml
7. Water


1. Add milk, lemon juice, cinnamon powder, liquid soap, almond oil and some water(don't add too water) in a tub.

2. Mix everything well and soak your feet in the mixture for 15 - 20 mins.

3. Scrub your feet nicely with the mixture.

4. Scrub your nails using a toothbrush and whitening toothpaste.

5. Rinse your feet with water.

6. Finally put on a couple of clear top coats.

After a few weeks of repeating the same procedure your skin will be silky smooth. 

Beauty tips- dark rough elbows and knees

Natural remedy for dark rough elbows and knees


1. Lemon slices
2. Brown sugar/ white sugar


- Take a lemon slice and sprinkle some brown/ white sugar on the top.
- Massage nicely in the elbows and knees till the sugar melts completely.
- Wash it with warm water.
- After washing, massage with coconut oil/ almond oil/ olive oil.

You can do this to your elbows and knees everyday at home. You can see the difference yourself.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Simple Home Remedies for Hair fall

Hair loss is always a problem for both men and women of all age groups. Women worry too much about their hair fall than men because they are more beauty cautious. Lets see what are the major causes for hair fall, how to prevent them and what are the simple treatments for hair loss. 


1. Lack of nutrition
2. Stress
3. Hormonal imbalance
4. Post-pregnancy
5. Lack of sleep
6. Medication
7. Pollution
8. Smoking
9. Using chemical products to your hair, etc.

What to eat to prevent hair loss:

1. Vitamin C aids in absorption of iron in your body and it is also an anti-oxidant. Vitamin C rich foods are blackcurrants, blueberries, kiwi, guava, broccoli, oranges, papaya, strawberries and sweet potato. Vitamin C  helps in the production of collagen that strengthens the capillaries that supply the hair shafts.

2. Regular consumption fish or fish oil supplement everyday( Omega 3 fatty acid, protein and vitamin A and vitamin D) keeps your scalp and hair hydrated.

3. Eat iron rich foods like Red meat, fish, lentils, broccoli, spinach and other green leafy vegetables.Lack of iron leads to anemia and affect the nutrient supply to the follicle, affecting the hair growth cycle. This will result in hair loss. 

4. Vitamin A rich foods are carrots, fish, cheese, sweet potato, peppers, mango, papaya, oranges and green vegetables, etc. Vitamin A helps to nourish your hair.

5. Include Eggs daily in your diet because it has lots of essential nutrients such as proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc, omega 6 fatty acids and biotin(lack of biotin can make your hair brittle) .

6. Walnuts and walnut oil- is a great source of omega 6 fatty acid, B Vitamins (B1, B6, B9) zinc, iron and also rich in protein.

7. Include curd(low fat) in your routine. Curd is high in hair-friendly proteins, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin D. 


Simple treatments:

1. Apply warm coconut oil into your hair and scalp. Massage in circular motions(to increase the blood circulation and to relax). Dip the bath towel into the hot water and squeeze out the water completely. Now wrap the towel around your head and leave it for few minutes. Repeat this procedure for 4 to 5 times and rinse your hair with shampoo.

2.  Take 1 egg, 2 tbsp of coconut oil and almond oil, 2 tbsp of curd and add few drops of lemon(if you have oily hair) whisk altogether and apply it on your hair and leave it for 20-30 mins. Shampoo and condition your hair as you do normally.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Facts about Sun Exposure

Sun exposure causes most changes in the skin, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays damages the fiber in the skin called Elastin. When these fiber break down, the skin begins to sag, stretch and lose its ability to go back to its normal place after stretching.

The real bad news about sun exposure is, it increases the risk of skin cancer. If You have any following symptoms, See your doctor immediately:

- A mole that is changing it color or shape, getting bigger, itching or bleeding.
- A pink or red lump (mostly on your head, hands or shoulders) that forms a non-healing scab or ulcer.

Who is at highest risk?

There are 2 main group of people who are particularly at high risk of skin cancer.
1. People with skin that tends to burn easily
2. Those who spend lot of their time in the sun over a life time.

People who have RED or BLONDE HAIR, BLUE or GREEN EYES and FRECKLES have higher risk of 'MELANOMA'.

You are at higher risk of 'NON-MELANOMA' skin cancer if you have a long-term job that keeps you out in all weathers.

MELANOMA- is aggressive and deadly.
NON-MELANOMA- is a type of skin cancer that is not melanoma ans less aggressive.


1. Use a high sun protection factor(SPF)- atleast 15.
2. Stay out from sun between 10 A.M - 4 P.M.
3. Don't apply very little sun screen cream! If you apply thin layer, the SPF will be much lesser than the label suggests.
4. Re-apply the sun screen cream/lotion every couple of hours and after swimming.
5. Protect your children and youngsters! About 50% of your life time sun exposure is likely to happen before 20 years.
6. Wear UV-blocking sunglasses.
7. Avoid tanning and UV tanning booths

If you notice any change in your skin and if you think it might be a cancer, don't delay to consult your doctor. Most skin cancers can be completely cured but only if it is treated early. 


1. We do need some sun exposure and it give Vitamin D, which protects us from osteoporosis (Thinning of the bones).
2. 15 to 20 mins a day during summer season is enough and its gives you Vitamin D to last all year.
3. The best time for sun exposure is from 8 A.M - 10 A.M in the morning and after 4 P.M in the evening.
4. Sunshine Vitamins helps to maintain high level of immunity, neurological functions and protect against psychological disorders. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tomato Sauce VS Mustard Sauce

*Tomato sauce*


1. 1 tbsp = 15 calories

2. Tomato ketchup is one of the most versatile condiments worldwide and is used as an accompaniment with number of food items like fries,sandwiches, burgers and even on the side of steaks with veggies.

3. The sauce is packed with tomatoes, which are high in antioxidants that have been scientifically proven to protect against various types of cancers.

4. The unique flavonoid lycopene prevents skin damage from UV rays, and Zea-Xanthin, another flavonoid compound, protects the eyes from harmful ultra-violet rays.

5. Tomatoes are also a rich source of Vitamins A and C.

*Mustard sauce*


1. 1 tbsp = 37 calories

2. The mustard seed is itself an excellent source of essential B-complex vitamins, which help regulates metabolism, enzyme synthesis and nervous system function. 

3. The vitamin B3 helps lower cholesterol. Mustard sauce is source of calcium, copper and iron.

4. American yellow mustard is pungent and is best used in dishes like hot dog or potato salad, the more mild Dijon mustard is ideal for delicate fish and salads, coarse wholegrain mustard is best to marinades and gravy 
for lamb or chicken dishes, and spicy English mustard compliments sausages.    

Nutritionist's pick

-" Anything that is commercially made, processed and uses additives or preservatives is never good for you". 

- When both tomato sauce and mustard sauce are user in small amounts, they offer neither nutritive value in that amount, nor pose a health threat. 

- TOMATO SAUCE is healthier, simply because it has vitamin C and other nutrients. 

Simple Amla/ Gooseberry Raita


* 3 Amlas
* 2 Green chillies
* 1 small cup of grated coconut 
* 1 Cup curd, beaten.
* Salt to taste

For Seasoning:

* 1 tsp cooking oil
* 1/2 tsp mustard seeds
* 1 red chilli
* A pinch of asafoetida
* A few curry leaves & coriander chopped finely.


1. Boil amlas till they are soft. Allow them to cool and de-seed them.

2. Grind the de-seeded amla with green chillies and grated coconut.

3. Add beaten curd and salt. Mix it well. 

4. Prepare seasoning by heating oil in a pan and adding all the other ingredients. 

5. Add the seasoning to the curd mix. Serve cold

Goodness of Amla: 

1. It is packed with vitamin C, amla increases immunity and guards against common cold and nausea.

2. Several studies on cancer have indicated that amla slows down tumor growth.

3. Weight-watchers should love amla, as it helps burn fat, and, when mixed with turmeric can even help lower blood sugar. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Herbs for Dry skin


1.Almond oil hydrates and soothes the skin.It helps restore moisture and relieves irritation, inflammation, and itching caused by dryness.

2.Cocoa butter is used in various body lotions and lip balms. cocoa butter's velvety texture and moisturizing properties have made it a popular ingredient. Rich in antioxidants, it soothes cracked and dry skin. 

3.Sunflower oil is rich in vitamins A,C,D and E and helps repair damaged skin and retain moisture.

4.Wheat Germ oil softens and rejuvenates the skin. Rich in antioxidants, it helps soothe irritation, relieves itching and promotes new cell growth.

5.Neem oil relieves dry skin and soothes itching, redness and irritation. It also helps prevent wrinkles and moisturizes dry skin.

6.Aloe vera is a natural UV inhibitor. It hydrates, softens and helps retain the skin's natural moisture.

7.Cucumber cools, refreshes and help maintain skin's moisture. It has healing and soothing properties which will help heal damaged skin.

8.Pumpkin seed oil is great for your skin as it contains fatty acids, Zinc, Vitamin E and Beta-carotene. The oil helps retain moisture and effectively hydrates dry skin.

9.Shea Butter improves skin elasticity and maintains the skin;s moisture balance and effectively moisturizes sensitive skin.

10. Grape seed oil possesses astringent properties, helping tighten and tone skin. Its ability to lock in moisture makes Grape seed oil extremely useful and effective as a skin moisturizer.

Monday, October 7, 2013

SUKHIYAN (Diwali Special sweet)

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Serves: Four


* 200 g whole green gram (moong dal), Don't over cook the gram
* Salt to taste
* 2 cups of water 
* 2 tsp ghee
* 200 g jaggery
* 200 g coconut, grated
* 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
* 200 g flour
* Water as required
* Oil to deep fry


1. Pressure cook the green gram with a pinch of salt and water. When done, drain water and set aside.

2. In a heavy-bottom pan, heat ghee and add jaggery. When jaggery has almost melted, add coconut, cardamom powder and cooked green gram. Saute until mixture comes together and then remove from heat.

3. Once cool, make lemon sized roundels of the mixture and set aside
4. Mix flour with a pinch of salt and enough water to make a medium thick batter. Dip each roundels in the batter and deep-fry in hot oil until golden crisp. Serve hot.

ALOO TIKKI (Spiced potato cutlets)

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves: Four


- 30 ml oil + extra for frying
- 4 tsp cumin seeds
- A pinch of asafoetida
- 100 g green peas, chopped fine
- 2 tsp chopped ginger
- 4 green chillies, chopped fine
- 3/4 cumin powder 
- 4 tsp chaat masala powder
- Salt to taste
- 400 g potatoes, boiled, peeled and grated
- 20 g coriander leaves, chopped finely
- 100 g corn flour

1. FOR STUFFING- Heat 30 ml oil in a pan and ADD 2 tbs cumin seeds.When they splutter, add asafoetida, green peas, ginger and green chillies, and saute until peas are crispy. Add cumin and chaat masala powders and salt. set aside.

2. TO MAKE TIKKI- Mix grated potato with remaining cumin seeds, salt, coriander leaves and corn flour. Take a portion of Tikki mixture and make a medium size ball out of it.Stuff some stuffing inside the ball and gently flatten the Tikkis into a round shape.

3. Deep-fry tikkis in hot oil  till golden brown. Serve hot.

Okra/ Ladyfingers/ Bhindi Chaat

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves: Four


- oil, for frying 
- 500 g ladyfingers(cut into long thin strips)
- 100 g onions sliced
- 100 g green bell pepper/ capsicum(cut into long thin strips)
- 100 g tomatoes(cut into long thin strips)
- 2 tsp chilli powder
- 3/4 cumin powder and garam masala powder
- 4 tsp chaat masala
- 2 tsp chopped ginger
- 20 g coriander leaves, finely chopped
- 4 tsp lemon juice
- Salt to taste


1. Heat the oil in a pan and deep fry ladyfingers until golden and crispy. Drain well on tissue paper.

2. Put the fried ladyfingers in a bowl with the remaining ingredients and toss well.

3. Serve with your favorite chutney.

Popular Maharashtra snack.

Sabudana vada

Preperation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Serves: Four


* 1 cup sago pearls (sabudana), soaked overnight and drained
* 2 potatoes, boiled, peeled and mashed
* 1/2 cup peanuts, dry roasted and blended to a course powder
* 1 tsp cumin seeds
* 3 green chillies, chopped fine
* salt to taste
* 1 tsp lemon juice 
* Few coriander leaves chopped 
* 2 tsp rice flour
* Oil, to deep fry.


1. Mix all ingredients except the rice flour and the oil together until everything is combined.
2. Shape the mixture into small patties, using the rice flour to dust your hands if necessary.
3. Heat the oil in a deep pan and deep fry about 3-4 vadas at a time on medium heat so that the vadas are cooked inside and both sides are golden brown. 
4. Serve hot with mint-coriander chutney and hot tea.

sabudana image

10 Golden Rules of Anti-Ageing.


1. Apply sunscreen all the time when you go outside in day time. Sunscreen comes with both UVA and UVB protection and prevent sun damage and sun cancer. Pick the one that works best for your skin.

2. Look for the ingredients such as RETINOL (one of the most active anti-ageing ingredients), CLA4 and AHA in your anti-ageing cream . Retinoids minimize the appearance of existing age spots and fine lines, and prevent new ones from forming.

3. Work out increases your blood flow and promotes a glowing, healthy-looking complexion.Spend 30 mins for exercise at-least 4 to 5 days a week, it can make a big difference not just to your body but also to your skin.

4. The Anti-oxidants protects the body from free to get adequate anti-oxidant nutritions you should eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.The free radicals and cigarettes are extremely dangerous. smoking destroys collagen and elastin. It also decreases o estrogen levels in the body, which keep the skin firm.It also causes lung cancer ans bad breath.

5. Apart from creams and treatments, your skin should get enough nutrients from food. The balanced diet helps your skin look younger. If you're not taking any multivitamin, start now to keep your skin happy.
Avoid refined sugar and booze as much as you can.

6. Sleeping Beauty- Your skin needs time to repair itself. This happens while you sleep. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, you will have sagging skin and puffy eyes. Make sure you get 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily .

7.Watch your weight.Crash dieting and weight loss is a bad news for skin.With sudden weight loss or gain skin loses its elasticity over time.

8. Ditch coffee and soda.When it comes to skin, nothing works like plain H2O(water). Water cleanses  out toxins and prevents breakouts and ageing. So drink lots of water, coconut water or lime and mint water(WITHOUT SUGAR). Cut the intake of caffeine and aerated(soda) drinks. Moisturise your skin so that it remains hydrated in and out!

9. Treat Zits- pimples affect the skin of the majority of  teenagers.Consult your dermatologist and use cream that contains benzyl Peroxide to kill acne causing bacteria.
- Make sure you wash your face twice a day with a mild soap.
- Do not pop the pimple.
- Always wash your hands before touching your face.
- Keep your hands and nails clean and keep you nails short.
- Keep your hair clean and keep it away from your face.
- Use only nonceomedogenic or nonacnegenic make up products. You can find this on the product label.
- Protect your skin from sun exposure.

10. Stress is one of the major ageing triggers. It causes your cells to age faster and leads to collagen degradation. Meditate for at least 10-15 mins daily in the morning and do two to three yoga sessions a week .This will help you to relieve from stress. 

Cross Braid Bun Hairstyle


1. Part your hair to one side and smooth hair back into a ponytail at the nape of your neck. Leave out about two inches of hair above and below the ears. To give the ponytail definition, volume and height, use a small, round hair stuffing around the ponytail.

2. Then divide your ponytail into four equal sections. Grabbing one section at a time, wrap each one around the stuffing, pinning it at the base of the hair elastic, alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise directions.

3. Twist the remaining hair in the front (above and below the ears) and pin it above the ponytail. Tuck the remaining hair under the wrapped pony.

4. Use a styling spray to smooth flyaways.

Punjabi Chaas( Buttermilk )


- Butter milk 2 cups
- Coriander finely chopped 2 tbsp
- Cumin seeds 1 tbsp
- Ginger small piece ( skin peeled)
- Salt to taste
- Ice cubes


- whisk the butter milk and take out all the butter / fat that is formed on the top after whisking.
- Add cumin seeds, ginger and salt to the butter milk and blend for 10-15 seconds.
- Finally garnish with  coriander and serve chilled.

Facts about BUTTERMILK:(For 200 ML - 98 Calories)

1. It helps digestion and excellent coolant.

2. Buttermilk is rich in calcium and vitamin B complex, especially riboflavin, which is needed by the body for conversion of food into energy and for secretion of harmones.

3. PERFECT drink for those who are LACTOSE-INTOLERANT
4. Due to cooling property, consuming too much might cause sore throat or a common cold.

5. It can also cause acidity, if consumed in empty stomach.

6. Packed buttermilk contains too many preservatives.OPT for HOME-MADE chaas/buttermilk.

Simple Punjabi lassi (sweet yogurt drink).


- 1 1/2 cup fresh thick creamy yogurt / curd chilled
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1/4 cup chilled water
- 2-3 tbsp sugar
- 1 cardamom (only seeds)
- ice cubes optional
- Blend all the ingredients in a blender for 10 -15 sec .
- Add more sugar if required.
- Serve chilled

Using the same ingredients you can make lassi with fresh fruits

Facts about LASSI:(For 200 ML - 158 calories)

1. Yogurt based drink is probiotic, and good bacteria that helps absorb vitamins, break down sugar and support immune system.

2. It helps boost immunity, and fight infection and fatigue.

3. It has cooling properties and thereby makes it easy to digest spicy food.

4. If you are LACTOSE-INTOLERANT( inability to digest lactose, it is a sugar found in milk), AVOID LASSI.

Sunday, October 6, 2013




- It contains the highest levels of polyphenol, a powerful anti-oxidant.
- olive oil raises good cholesterol (HDL) and lowering bad cholesterol (LDL).
- Olive oil is known to significantly lower your risk of having heart attack.


- It is high in calories.
- consuming too much will lead to gain weight and obesity .



-It contains about 66 percent Medium Chain Fatty Acids(MCFA).
- MCFA have antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal properties, and have the ability to boost the immune system.
- MCFA are good for digestion and stimulating the body's metabolism leading to weight loss.They also boosts energy levels.

- STUDIES HAVE SHOWN THAT POPULATIONS                                                                                  THAT EAT A LOT OF COCONUT ARE THE HEALTHIEST IN THE WORLD.

  - Even though it has some heart-friendly fatty acids (MYRISTIC), it has MORE heart-unfriendly fatty acids (LAURIC).
  - The fatty acids found in coconut oil are associated with  increased risk of heart attack/stroke.                                                                             



- It reduces the high blood pressure,cholesterol  and improves the health of diabetes patients.
- High in polyunsaturated fat.
- Contains Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium and Copper.


- Sesame oil doesn't have many negative qualities.
- It is loaded with of fats and calories.



- Rich in Vitamins C and Anti-oxidants.
- It improves Cardiovascular problem and lower cholesterol.
- It is filled with healthy fatty acids.


- Ricebran oil doesn't have many negative qualities.
- It is fattening and relatively high in calories so use it moderately. 



- Ginger ale  (180 ml)
- Grenadine syrup (20 ml)
- Orange juice (90 ml)
- Ice cubes


Ready made ginger ale, which is used in the drink is high in SUGAR.
substitute it with the juice of real ginger mixed with lime. And add club soda instead, to knock off the calories.


- Tomato juice
- A dash of lemon juice
- Worcestershire sauce
- Tobasco sauce
- A dash of celery salt
- A dash of ground pepper
- Celery stick for garnish
- Ice cubes


This tasty drink is high in sodium and can cause bloating.Reduce the salt level and add some coriander and mint leaves to make it more flavorful and healthier.


- Orange juice
- Pineapple juice
- Lemon juice
- Sugar syrup
- Club soda
- Ice cubes


Leave out the sugar syrup and add real fruit juices instead of any squashes or artificial syrups.


- Pineapple juice
- Coconut cream
- Crushed ice


Ready-made coconut cream contains sugar syrup, and will make it calorie high. Replace it with natural coconut cream add sugar to taste if required. 



- 250 g potato wedges
- salt to taste
 250 g onions,dices
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp paprika/chilly powder
- 1 tsp cumin powder
- few garlic flakes or few cloves crushed
- 1 tsp oregano (karpuravalli in tamil)
- juice of 1 lemon
- 1/2 tsp pepper


-Boil the potato wedges in salt water for few minutes and drain.
-Toss the potatoes, onions with olive oil,garlic,spices,herbs,lemon juice and pepper until the potatoes are roasted and cooked well.

Goodness of paprika:

- Paprika is beneficial to the body's immune system as it is rich in vitamin C and other anti-oxidants.
- When paprika is added to chicken,crab or lamb, it not only gives the color to the dish but, because of its high vitamin C content, it also helps absorption of iron.
- paprika has moderate amounts of vitamins A,E and K.
- This spice also helps keep the heart healthy and enriches the blood with iron, magnesium and phosphorus.
- Paprika also has anti-inflammation and antioxidant properties that can aid in lowering the risk of cancer.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Natural Homemade Amla oil.


Amla/Gooseberry -15 nos (Cut and Deseed them)

Curry leaves - 1 cup
Coconut oil -250 ml
Gingerly oil/Sesame oil - 250 ml


Take a iron wok / heavy bottom kadai and pour both the oils in it.
Finely grind the Amla and Curry leaves into a paste.
When the oil becomes hot add the paste into the oil.
Let the paste be inside the oil for sometime(40-50 mins simmer the stove heat).
Cool the oil.
Filter the oil after 1 day and store it in a glass bottle or in an air tight container.

-You can apply this oil every day. 

Your Oil will look like this.

Health benefits of Amla:

Enriches hair growth

Good for anemia
Reduces blood sugar
Rich in vitamin C
Low calorie
Anti bacterial
Anti inflammation