Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tomato Sauce VS Mustard Sauce

*Tomato sauce*


1. 1 tbsp = 15 calories

2. Tomato ketchup is one of the most versatile condiments worldwide and is used as an accompaniment with number of food items like fries,sandwiches, burgers and even on the side of steaks with veggies.

3. The sauce is packed with tomatoes, which are high in antioxidants that have been scientifically proven to protect against various types of cancers.

4. The unique flavonoid lycopene prevents skin damage from UV rays, and Zea-Xanthin, another flavonoid compound, protects the eyes from harmful ultra-violet rays.

5. Tomatoes are also a rich source of Vitamins A and C.

*Mustard sauce*


1. 1 tbsp = 37 calories

2. The mustard seed is itself an excellent source of essential B-complex vitamins, which help regulates metabolism, enzyme synthesis and nervous system function. 

3. The vitamin B3 helps lower cholesterol. Mustard sauce is source of calcium, copper and iron.

4. American yellow mustard is pungent and is best used in dishes like hot dog or potato salad, the more mild Dijon mustard is ideal for delicate fish and salads, coarse wholegrain mustard is best to marinades and gravy 
for lamb or chicken dishes, and spicy English mustard compliments sausages.    

Nutritionist's pick

-" Anything that is commercially made, processed and uses additives or preservatives is never good for you". 

- When both tomato sauce and mustard sauce are user in small amounts, they offer neither nutritive value in that amount, nor pose a health threat. 

- TOMATO SAUCE is healthier, simply because it has vitamin C and other nutrients. 

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