Monday, October 7, 2013

Punjabi Chaas( Buttermilk )


- Butter milk 2 cups
- Coriander finely chopped 2 tbsp
- Cumin seeds 1 tbsp
- Ginger small piece ( skin peeled)
- Salt to taste
- Ice cubes


- whisk the butter milk and take out all the butter / fat that is formed on the top after whisking.
- Add cumin seeds, ginger and salt to the butter milk and blend for 10-15 seconds.
- Finally garnish with  coriander and serve chilled.

Facts about BUTTERMILK:(For 200 ML - 98 Calories)

1. It helps digestion and excellent coolant.

2. Buttermilk is rich in calcium and vitamin B complex, especially riboflavin, which is needed by the body for conversion of food into energy and for secretion of harmones.

3. PERFECT drink for those who are LACTOSE-INTOLERANT
4. Due to cooling property, consuming too much might cause sore throat or a common cold.

5. It can also cause acidity, if consumed in empty stomach.

6. Packed buttermilk contains too many preservatives.OPT for HOME-MADE chaas/buttermilk.

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