Thursday, October 10, 2013

Facts about Sun Exposure

Sun exposure causes most changes in the skin, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays damages the fiber in the skin called Elastin. When these fiber break down, the skin begins to sag, stretch and lose its ability to go back to its normal place after stretching.

The real bad news about sun exposure is, it increases the risk of skin cancer. If You have any following symptoms, See your doctor immediately:

- A mole that is changing it color or shape, getting bigger, itching or bleeding.
- A pink or red lump (mostly on your head, hands or shoulders) that forms a non-healing scab or ulcer.

Who is at highest risk?

There are 2 main group of people who are particularly at high risk of skin cancer.
1. People with skin that tends to burn easily
2. Those who spend lot of their time in the sun over a life time.

People who have RED or BLONDE HAIR, BLUE or GREEN EYES and FRECKLES have higher risk of 'MELANOMA'.

You are at higher risk of 'NON-MELANOMA' skin cancer if you have a long-term job that keeps you out in all weathers.

MELANOMA- is aggressive and deadly.
NON-MELANOMA- is a type of skin cancer that is not melanoma ans less aggressive.


1. Use a high sun protection factor(SPF)- atleast 15.
2. Stay out from sun between 10 A.M - 4 P.M.
3. Don't apply very little sun screen cream! If you apply thin layer, the SPF will be much lesser than the label suggests.
4. Re-apply the sun screen cream/lotion every couple of hours and after swimming.
5. Protect your children and youngsters! About 50% of your life time sun exposure is likely to happen before 20 years.
6. Wear UV-blocking sunglasses.
7. Avoid tanning and UV tanning booths

If you notice any change in your skin and if you think it might be a cancer, don't delay to consult your doctor. Most skin cancers can be completely cured but only if it is treated early. 


1. We do need some sun exposure and it give Vitamin D, which protects us from osteoporosis (Thinning of the bones).
2. 15 to 20 mins a day during summer season is enough and its gives you Vitamin D to last all year.
3. The best time for sun exposure is from 8 A.M - 10 A.M in the morning and after 4 P.M in the evening.
4. Sunshine Vitamins helps to maintain high level of immunity, neurological functions and protect against psychological disorders. 

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