Monday, October 7, 2013

10 Golden Rules of Anti-Ageing.


1. Apply sunscreen all the time when you go outside in day time. Sunscreen comes with both UVA and UVB protection and prevent sun damage and sun cancer. Pick the one that works best for your skin.

2. Look for the ingredients such as RETINOL (one of the most active anti-ageing ingredients), CLA4 and AHA in your anti-ageing cream . Retinoids minimize the appearance of existing age spots and fine lines, and prevent new ones from forming.

3. Work out increases your blood flow and promotes a glowing, healthy-looking complexion.Spend 30 mins for exercise at-least 4 to 5 days a week, it can make a big difference not just to your body but also to your skin.

4. The Anti-oxidants protects the body from free to get adequate anti-oxidant nutritions you should eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.The free radicals and cigarettes are extremely dangerous. smoking destroys collagen and elastin. It also decreases o estrogen levels in the body, which keep the skin firm.It also causes lung cancer ans bad breath.

5. Apart from creams and treatments, your skin should get enough nutrients from food. The balanced diet helps your skin look younger. If you're not taking any multivitamin, start now to keep your skin happy.
Avoid refined sugar and booze as much as you can.

6. Sleeping Beauty- Your skin needs time to repair itself. This happens while you sleep. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, you will have sagging skin and puffy eyes. Make sure you get 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily .

7.Watch your weight.Crash dieting and weight loss is a bad news for skin.With sudden weight loss or gain skin loses its elasticity over time.

8. Ditch coffee and soda.When it comes to skin, nothing works like plain H2O(water). Water cleanses  out toxins and prevents breakouts and ageing. So drink lots of water, coconut water or lime and mint water(WITHOUT SUGAR). Cut the intake of caffeine and aerated(soda) drinks. Moisturise your skin so that it remains hydrated in and out!

9. Treat Zits- pimples affect the skin of the majority of  teenagers.Consult your dermatologist and use cream that contains benzyl Peroxide to kill acne causing bacteria.
- Make sure you wash your face twice a day with a mild soap.
- Do not pop the pimple.
- Always wash your hands before touching your face.
- Keep your hands and nails clean and keep you nails short.
- Keep your hair clean and keep it away from your face.
- Use only nonceomedogenic or nonacnegenic make up products. You can find this on the product label.
- Protect your skin from sun exposure.

10. Stress is one of the major ageing triggers. It causes your cells to age faster and leads to collagen degradation. Meditate for at least 10-15 mins daily in the morning and do two to three yoga sessions a week .This will help you to relieve from stress. 

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