Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Facts, Symptoms, Triggers and Home remedies for Sinus infections.

Facts about sinus infections:

1. Sinus infections are caused by infections from Pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacteria or fungus), which grows within a sinus and causes intermittent blockage of the sinus ostium.

2. Most of the people do not transmit sinus infections and most of the doctors agree that except for rare causes, sinus infections are not contagious.

3. Sinus is inflammation of the air cavities within the passage of the nose.

4. Sinusitis may be classified is several ways such as acute, sub acute, chronic, infected and non-infectious sinusitis.

5. Bacterial infection of sinuses is suspected when facial pain, pus-like nasal discharge, and symptoms that persists for longer than a week and are not responding to over-the-counter nasal medications.

6. Bacterial sinusitis is usually treated with antibiotic therapy.

7. Early treatment may prevent secondary bacterial infections.

8. Complications of sinus infection that may develop are meningitis and orbital cellulitis.

9. There are no fungal vaccines available to prevent fungal sinus infections.

Signs and symptoms of sinus.

1. Common signs and symptoms of sinus are head ace, pressure or pain, facial tenderness and fever. Some patients may have acute sinus infection.Other common symptoms are:

- Cloudy, discolored nasal drainage,
- A feeling of nasal stuffiness,
- Sore throat, and
- Cough

Some people notice an increased head ace when they lean forward because of the additional pressure placed on the sinuses. Others may experience tooth or ear pain, fatigue or bad breath. Nasal drainage is usually clear or whitish-colored in people with noninfectious sinusitis.

Common triggers :

1. Exposure to pollen from trees and grasses. This triggers fever or seasonal allergies. Symptoms include running nose, sneezing, itches and watery eyes.

2. If your pet is causing allergies, make your bedroom pet free zone, avoid carpets and wash your animal regularly.

3. Dust mites are microscopic organisms that live in house dust. To prevent dust mites wash your pillows, bed-sheets and quilts weekly in hot water and keep your house-free of dust collecting items.

4. Food- Milk, Shell fish, nuts and wheat are among the most common foods that causes allergies.

5. Fragrance found in products like scented candles, perfumes, laundry detergent and cosmetics can trigger allergy.

Nasal allergy relief :

- Clean the air with HEPA filters.

- Electronic air cleanses. 

- Neti pot - cleans your nasal passage.

- Over-the-counter medications.

- Choose pillows and comforters filled with synthetic hypo allergenic material instead of mite- friendly materials.

- Use work gloves for outside and use non latex gloves when working with household cleaners.

- Use a HEPA vacuum once a week and keep your home away from allergies.

- Steam clean allergens away.

- Buy washable toys.

Easy home remedies:

1. Steam inhalation therapy - take a bowl of hot water and add few drops of eucalyptus oil or 2-3 tbsp of turmeric powder and inhale the steam with the head covered by a towel. This is an effective home remedy.

2. Drink hot ginger tea.

3. Eating 1-2 cloves of garlic everyday will reduce the sinus infection gradually.

4. Increase your fluid intake.

5. Drinking carrot juice on a daily basis for a period of time at-least a month can help in treating sinus infection.

6. Take 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and mix it with honey and warm water and drink it.

7. Boil ginger root and let it simmer for few minutes. Dip the wash cloth in the ginger root water and cover your face for sometime. This will give quick relief from sinus infection.

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