Saturday, October 26, 2013

About back pain and remedies

Back pain is a very common problem and it can affect people of any age. It is more common among adults aged between 35 and 55 years. Back pain is associated with the way our bones, muscles and ligaments in our back works together.

Pain in the lower back may be linked to the bony lumber spine, discs between the vertebrae, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord and nerves, lower back muscles, abdomen and pelvic internal organs and the skin around the lumber area.
Pain in the upper back may be due to disorders of the aorta, tumors in the chest and spine inflammation.  

The following factors are associated to higher risk of developing lower back pain :

1. Mentally stress job
2. Pregnancy
3. A sedentary life style
4. Age
5. Anxiety
6. Depression 
7. Gender - back pain is more common among females than males
8. Obesity
9. Smoking
10. Strenuous physical exercise (when it is not done properly)
11. Strenuous physical work.

If any of the following symptoms accompanies a back pain you should see your doctor immediately :

1. Elevated body temperature(fever)
2. Pain down the legs
3. Weight loss
4. Inflammation on the back
5. Persistent back pain(lying down or rest does not help)
6. Numbness around genitals, anus and around the buttocks.
7. Pain reaches below the knees
8. Urinary incontinence
9. Fecal incontinence
10. Difficulty in urination    
11. A recent injury, trauma to your back.


1. Stretching :

- stretching is vital for preventing back pain and staying flexible. It helps in recovering from back injuries.
- Always stretch before exercise or other strenuous physical activity and also before bed.

2. Quit smoking : smoking cuts blood flow to the lower spine and causes the spinal discs to degenerate. Smoking doesn't just damage your lungs, it can also impair your back.

3. Keep a healthy diet : eat healthy diet(fresh fruits and vegetables) and low on processed foods to avoid excessive weight. Staying fit is one of the best remedy for back pain.

4.Exercise : regular exercise is the best remedy for back pain. It is always best to consult your physician for a list of low impact exercises suitable for your age as well as the type of pain you have.

Here are few moves/ poses that can help you to get rid of back pain gradually:

 5. Sleep well : 

- Always sleep on firm surface for back pain relief rather than soft mattresses that push your back out of alignment. Poor posture can lead to back pain or other health issues.
- While sitting in the chair, you must keep your back straight. Take periodic walk around the office will help relieve stress. If you need to sit for long time, rest your feet on a low stool or on a foot rest.

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